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Structural characteristics of electroslag furnace transformer

Specially for the production of aviation steel, high temperature alloys, resistance gold, precision alloys and some non-ferrous metals, etc., can also be used to produce large and excellent alloy steel ingots, large flat ingots or slabs and other special Special-shaped castings and other electroslag furnace power supplies.
Structural features
None of the reactors. Different from the electric arc furnace transformer used in electroslag metallurgy and electric arc steelmaking, when the slag is directly formed by the method of adding the auxiliary steel scrap by the electrode, only the arc is formed at the beginning stage, and after the slag is completed, it is converted into a substantially arcless The electroslag process, this process continues until the end of the smelting, the transformer of the electroslag furnace power supply requires a low no-load voltage and a small impedance voltage. The low voltage voltage must have a voltage regulation level. The voltage regulation methods are as follows: 1. No excitation and no load regulation; 2. Excitation without load regulation; 3. On-load voltage regulation. No matter which voltage regulation method is used, it is adjusted by the switch on the high voltage coil.
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